If a glasses screw breaks or becomes stripped, it's important to address the issue promptly to prevent further damage and ensure the continued functionality of your eyewear. Here's what you can do:
Stop Using the Glasses: If a screw breaks or becomes stripped, stop using the glasses immediately to avoid causing additional damage to the frame or lenses.
Locate the Broken Screw: Carefully inspect the frame to locate the broken or stripped screw. You might need a magnifying glass or good lighting to do this effectively.
Remove Remaining Parts: If the screw has broken off inside the frame, you'll need to carefully remove any remaining parts of the screw. You can use a pair of fine-tipped tweezers or a precision screwdriver to gently extract the broken piece.
Check for Spare Screws: Check if your glasses came with spare screws. Some eyewear cases include extra screws for minor repairs. If you have spare screws available, you can use them to replace the broken or stripped screw.
Purchase Replacement Screws: If you don't have spare screws or if the spare screws don't fit, you can visit an eyewear retailer or an optical shop to purchase replacement screws. Be sure to bring the broken screw or the frame with you to ensure you get the correct size and type of screw.
Professional Repair: If you're unsure about how to proceed or if the frame requires more complex repair, it's best to seek the help of a professional optician or eyewear technician. They have the tools and expertise to handle more intricate repairs.
Prevent Stripping: To prevent future stripping of screws, make sure to use the correct screwdriver size and avoid applying excessive force when tightening or adjusting screws. It's also a good idea to periodically inspect your glasses for loose screws and tighten them as needed.